Hoffman Multi-Compartment 2-D Brain Phantom™
SPECT and PET Research, Training, Performance

Main Features: Main Applications: Model BR/2D-MC/P

SPECT image and profile of Hoffman 2-D Multi-Compartment Brain Phantom™ with a compartment (arrow) filled with increased activity to simulate a 67% increase in perfusion during an intraictal phase. compartment filled with increased activity to simulate a 67% increase in perfusion during an intraical phase SPECT chart
SPECT image and profile of Hoffman 2-D Multi-Compartment Brain Phantom™ with a compartment (arrow) filled with decreased activity to simulate a 67% reduction in perfusion during an interictal phase. Compartment filled with decreased activiity to simulate 67% reducation in perfusion during an interical phase SPECT chart
SPECT image and profile of Hoffman 2-D Multi-Compartment Brain Phantom™ with a compartment (arrows) filled with decreased activity to simulate a 33% reduction in perfusion in the left frontal lobe. compartment filled with decreased activity to simulate a 33% reduction in perfusion in the left frontal lobe  
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