Jaszczak Flangeless Deluxe Phantom™
ECT phantoms for PET and SPECT, meets ACR requirements

Jaszczak ACR SPECT Phantoms

The phantom provides consistent performance information for any SPECT or PET system. The Phantom meets the requirements set by ACR for SPECT. The SPECT Phantom is the same as the Deluxe SPECT Phantom except that the flanges have been removed. Multiple performance characteristics of camera-based SPECT systems are evaluated from a single scan of the phantom.

On-axis and off-axis transverse line spread function may be easily measured without removing the cover plate. Measurements of full-width-half (or tenth) maximum can be readily determined, either in air or in water.

The Phantom is used for: Specifications of Cylinder: Specifications of Insert and Spheres:
Inserts for PET and SPECT Phantoms
Inserts for PET and SPECT Phantoms diagram
          Cold Rods                    Cold Spheres
Inserts for PET and SPECT Phantoms scan image
Scan Images

Models and Ordering
Phantom, SPECT, Flangeless
Phantom, PET, Flangeless, Esser
Phantom, PET/SPECT, Flangeless
Includes PET and SPECT phantom lids
ECT/HS/SET6 Phantom, Hollow Spheres Set (6)
ECT/TRI/I Phantom Insert, Triple Line
ECT/CAR/I Phantom Insert, Cardiac
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